About Rex's Tips

Caution and skepticism are warranted.

This course is dedicated to COVID-19. Without you, I’d never have gotten this off the ground.

Guitar Lessons

I wrote the guitar related content on this site primarily for my own benefit.

Maintaining these pages has helped clarify my own thinking. It's at least conceptually possible that others might find the content useful as well.

I created this site for one of my closest friends who, like myself, is an engineer that can't help but ask "why?" at every turn. Please understand that I'm still an intermediate player at best — those that can't “do,” teach.

While I've tried to succinctly answer "why" at each step, I've learned that too much “book learning” can get in the way of actually playing the instrument. So I've also tried hard to make the content procedural and prescriptive wherever possible. Trust me, it's easy to get lost in the weeds.

Blog Content

In addition to playing the guitar, my other hobbies include:

  • Machining, metalworking, and machine tool reconditioning
  • Making all sorts of things (including guitars) out of wood, metal, and plastic
  • The Asian game of Go/Baduk/Wei Qi
  • The Japanese language and culture
  • Computers and programming
  • Photography

I occasionally post things on these and other topics in the blog section of this site.