Cowboy chords

The basic chords everyohe needs to know

In addition to knowing the notes on the fretboard every beginning guitarist needs to be competent at playing basic open-position major chords (the “cowboy chords”).

The proficiency test for this page is RT2 • Beginner Chords

The goal is to become proficient playing at least one shape of every major chord in open position (ignoring roots with flats and sharps).

Here are the seven “cowboy chords”:

Fig 1. Major cowboy chords

Even beginners should be familiar with these chord shapes. Please refer to a beginner guitar site if you are just getting started with guitar. You’ll be hard pressed to find a better one than Justin Sandercoe’s.

Practice playing each of those chord shapes individually as well as moving between them. When you feel ready, see if you can make it through RT2 • Beginner Chords without any mistakes.

With just these seven chords you can accompany thousands of songs. They will get play any I-IV-V progression in a major “guitar key” (the keys of E, A, D, G, and C major).

Have fun!

Last modified May 9, 2020: move to en to make edit work (5cdd518)