
Rex’s practice system: Supplies

You’ve probably got most of what you need already on hand, but here’s the complete list of things you’ll need to implement this system. The items I’ve linked to are just examples, not recommendations.

Office supplies


  • A kitchen timer
  • A metronome
  • A tuner
  • Some way to easily record yourself. A smartphone is fine. Audio only recordings suffice, but videos are even better. You’ll need:
  • (optional but recommended) a decent mic and a way to connect it and your guitar to your computer/tablet/phone (usually via a USB-audio interface like the Scarlett 2i2)
  • (optional but recommended) A looper pedal of some sort


  • (strongly recommended) iRealPRO (To create simple backing tracks for practice)
  • (optional but recommended) A DAW of some sort (garage band or the like).
  • (optional) A habit tracking app like strides on iOS or loop on Android.


  • A guitar stand so your guitar is always out of it’s case and ready to go.
  • A tripod and holder for your phone or camera
  • A wall calendar and clock
Last modified May 25, 2020: restructure practice stuff (d2a6324)