Meta info

Technical info on the course construction

This is a static website created with Hugo using the Docsy theme. All of the content is written in markdown.

You may want to subscribe to the RSS feed for the guitar section of my blog if you want to know when I’ve made major changes or additions to the guitar book. I intend to publish a blog entry whenever I make significant changes to this book.

If your screen is wide enough (on a desktop browser) you should see links on the right side to edit the current page or to create a documentation issue on Github. You’ll need an account on Github to do either.

The left side navigation is for the entire book. On longer pages, you’ll see navigation for section headers within the page on the right (with a wide enough screen).

Please log a documentation issue if you have any questions or concerns.

Next: Conventions

Last modified May 21, 2020: reorganize (3142a62)