• RT3 • Beginner Barre
See Barre chords for a lesson/tutorial about this test.
There are several parts to this test. Use a metronome to keep yourself from cheating. You should be able to complete all of these exercises cleanly and precisely at a nice slow tempo, like half notes at 60 BPM.
Work through the entire cycle of fourths using just the E shaped barre chord. Play a B Major chord at the 7th fret, then an E Major at the 12th fret, etc. Perform one cycle with the full 6-string shape, visualizing the root on the 6th string.
Repeat with an abbreviated shape on the top 4 strings (the “F” shape), visualizing the root on the 4th string.
Now use the A shaped barre chord. Again, one pass with the full 5-string shape, visualizing the root on the 5th string.
Repeat with the A (or G) Shape using just the top four strings and visualize the root on the 3rd string.
Now for the C shape. One cycle with the 5-string C shape visualizing the root on the 5th string.
Repeat the C shape using the top 4 strings and visualize the root on the 2nd string.
Finally, keeping your left hand between the fifth and seventh frets, use all three barre chord shapes to play major chords in fourths (starting with B Major). That is, play B Major, E Major, A Major, …, C Major, and finally F Major. Visualize the root moving from B on the 6th string, to E on the 5th string, all the way through to F on the 2nd string. (Note that when moving from the G on the 2nd string, the diagram chooses to move to the C on 3rd string, but we could choose the C on the 8th fret of the 1st string and the F at the 6th fret of the 2nd string).

Fig 4. Root movement
Pass criteria
Complete all four exercises with half notes at 60 BPM, keeping time and with every note sounding cleanly.
Extra credit
Continue exercise 4 all the way through all 12 notes of the chromatic scale (metronome optional). Where would you find B♭ Major after playing the F rooted on the 2nd string (there are two choices nearby)?