training • RT5 • The Blues

Master proficiency test for the blues

See Blues & pentatonics for a lesson/tutorial about this test.


  1. Spend the rest of your life listening to, playing, and living the Blues.

Okay, I’m joking. There’s no way to create a single master test for such a large topic.

Here, however, are a few basic blues fundamentals I think anyone should master before they can even begin mastering the form:

  1. RT5a • Dom7 voicings
  2. RT6a2 • Pan Connection Drills
  3. RT6a7 • Minor Blues


Dom7 voicings

A few simple Dom7 voicings

Swung Eighths

It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing

Backbeat jam

Playing to a drum track

Keeping Place

Keeping place and anticipating changes

Last modified May 25, 2020: change type to rexercises (a401432)