training • RT5a • Dom7 voicings

A few simple Dom7 voicings

See Blues & pentatonics for a lesson/tutorial about this test.




Play 2/4 bars of quarter notes at 80 BPM, one chord (two beats) per bar.

For every chord voicing play just the root note in the bass on beat one, then strum the full chord on the remaining beat.

  1. Open chord voicings.
  • Form a B7 chord, then alternate with every other chord: play B7 E7 B7 A7 B7 D7 B7 G7 B7 C7 B7.
  • Repeat with: E7 B7 E7 A7 E7 D7 E7 G7 E7 C7 E7
  • Then: A7 B7 A7 E7 A7 D7 A7 G7 A7 C7 A7
  • Then: D7 B7 D7 E7 D7 A7 D7 G7 D7 C7 D7
  • Then: G7 B7 G7 E7 G7 A7 G7 D7 G7 C7 G7
  • Then: C7 B7 C7 E7 C7 A7 C7 D7 C7 G7 C7
  1. Shell voicings
  • Play through the cycle of fourths with a 6th string root.
  • Then with a 5th string root.
  • Then with a 4th string root.
  • Now starting with the B7 with the root on the 7th fret of the E string, go through the cycle moving your hand as little as possible (use all shell voicings).
    1. Go through one cycle moving up the neck (from A7 at 7th fret, play D7 at 10th fret).
    2. Repeat by moving down the neck. (From A7 at the 7th fret, play D7 ath the 5th fret).
  • Go through the cycle, playing three voicings of each chord rooted on different strings: B7 with root on 6th string, then 5th, then 4th, E7 on 6th, etc.

Pass criteria

You can play any and all of the exercises above with quarter notes at 80 BPM without any mistakes.

Last modified May 25, 2020: change type to rexercises (a401432)