training • RT6c2 • Major Pentatonic: Box 2

See Major Pentatonic for a lesson/tutorial about this test.




This drill is about shape memorization, so can be performed rubato. Perform it for all seven natural notes, progressing in fourths as usual.

For each root note:

  1. Play the minor chord shape on the top four strings.

  2. Play both root notes in the shape.

  3. Practice going straight up and down the box 2 shape. Start and end on the root note. The first time through, play just the pentatonic notes. Then include the ♭5.

  4. Play sequences of three (as described in RT6a2 • Pan Connection Drills). Again, first just penatonic notes, then with the full blues scale.

  5. Repeat using sequences of four (as described in RT6a2 • Pan Connection Drills). Pentatonics, then blues scale.

  6. Finally, repeat by playing in thirds (as described in RT6a2 • Pan Connection Drills). This step should only use the pentatonic notes (don’t include the ♭5).

Pass criteria

While the test may be performed rubato, you should be able to play in any key at roughly a 120 BPM quarter-note tempo.

Last modified May 25, 2020: change type to rexercises (a401432)